have been acting since age 4. I have always been working and I have always been in Scientology my entire life. (I was born into it.) Each service in Scientology is something I have added to my tool box of data for living.
The Purification Rundown lifted a cloud off my head and enabled me to think and see clearly.
Before I finished another level of Scientology auditing, I had a very hard time with being wrong and I always had to have my own way and not in a good sense. After auditing, I was able to have my thoughts, communicate them and not have to be right all the time.
Then the Life Orientation Course defined even more clearly what I needed to do to stay on target with my goals and not waver into other things.
I have to say that one of the most important things Scientology has given me is the ability to keep my integrity together. I understand how people can get into unethical situations, and Scientology has always helped me keep my head clear and be in present time. I have been able to see situations for what they are.
Danny Masterson

Meet a Scientologist