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Punishment is not a factor in Scientology justice, since it has long been proven in society that punishment more often than not simply hardens the punished person into patterns of destructive behavior. Instead, those guilty of ecclesiastical offenses are instructed to make amends for any damage done by their actions, perform what amounts to community service on behalf of those wronged, and other such actions. In this wise, Scientology justice helps an individual apply ethics to himself and his activities and move up the conditions.

Scientology justice protects the group from the destructive actions of individuals as well. A person who refuses to act ethically and who commits crimes against the group in general may be brought before a justice action in an effort to straighten him out. Depending on the severity of his offenses, a Committee of Evidence may recommend suitable restitution and penalties, taking into consideration any mitigating circumstances. The most extreme penalty that can be leveled at a person is expulsion from the Church. This can occur when blatant actions intended to destroy Scientology or Scientologists are committed, or when the person has clearly proven that he is no longer in agreement with and is actively opposing the Church’s goals. Such a person has demonstrated that he opposes what Scientology stands for. By publicly announcing the person’s expulsion, Scientologists in good standing are alerted and can avoid being harmed by him until such time as his actions are more in accord with the group.

No further action is taken by the Church or its members as justice has been done by expelling the individual from the group. The exclusion from Scientology is the harshest judgment faced by any Scientologist for it effectively bars any further progress on the Bridge. Once expelled, the person must go his own way and sort out his life without further communication, assistance or guidance from the Church, which is extremely busy giving its help to those who honestly desire it. The expelled individual is no longer a part of Scientology and its benefits are not his to enjoy, including access to Scientology justice procedures, no matter what difficulties he encounters.


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