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There was Pic magazine, which began bold-typing such stories as, “Can Dianetics Decide Paternity? The Amazing New Science of the Mind...May Hold Answers to Prenatal Questions.” That story, incidentally, went on to tell of a highly skeptical physician, “who volunteered to undergo a [Dianetics] run especially to prove to his own satisfaction that nothing would happen...” Whereupon, he was soon heard groaning from the pain of a restimulated backache. Likewise, the equally disbelieving Pic journalist reported how a close friend “curled up like an unborn child” when recounting his own birth. He then reported the startling point: “Dianetics maintains that those of us with brains which have not been damaged physically can go back into the past to conception itself, and can recount who was there, what was said, what went on.”

By 1969, Dr. L. W. Sontag was able to inform the American Association for the Advancement of Science that experiments with sound had proved that “the fetus is not in a world by itself.” A Newsweek article on a New Zealand fetologist’s derivative work proclaimed “both physicians and mothers are coming to regard the fetus not as a vegetable, but as a vital, living individual.... The fetus hears sound, ranging from its mother’s heartbeat to an automobile backfire, and will react to the noise by moving.” In the 1980s came Dr. Thomas Verny’s The Secret Life of the Unborn Child wherein he declared a child’s personality to be quite significantly shaped by prenatal and birthing experiences – all of which became the standard of the natural childbirth movement through the late 1970s and early 1980s.

And today, thousands upon thousands of expectant mothers have insisted on silent childbirth, while hundreds of medical practitioners offer nothing but to their maternity patients. Thus, while it has taken five decades for the scientific and medical communities to begin to catch up with the discoveries of L. Ron Hubbard in recognizing the awareness of the unborn child, they are now virtually part of the medical mainstream.


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