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Psychiatric Drugs

When LSD was accidentally discovered, it was not put on the shelf, but actively developed by its maker and subsequently heavily promoted by noted psychiatrists and psychologists from the 1950s on. By the mid-60s it started to become a campus fad.

Around the same time, however, as Freedom exposed, it was also being given to unknowing US soldiers by their government. The results of these experiments included death, birth defects in offspring and lifelong psychotic reactions for some of the victims.

Due to the work of the Church, which located a number of these unfortunate veterans, the Army conducted a program to locate and notify all who had been tricked into participating in these covert psychiatric mind-control programs.

Psychiatric drugs have long been a CCHR target. Mind-altering, with immensely powerful and dangerous side effects, they have been used extensively by psychiatrists who lack real answers to problems they don’t understand.

A common tactic to gain acceptance for such drugs is to release each with massive public relations campaigns professing the drug’s efficacy and safety. But often, cases discrediting the claims of safety and revealing instead harmful side effects soon begin to accumulate. In the mid-1800s, opium addiction begat morphine which was touted by the medical establishment as nonaddictive treatment for opium addiction. But by 1870, morphine was recognized as more addictive than opium. This led to the development of heroin, extolled as a nonaddictive substitute for morphine. Within fifteen years this claim had clearly been shown to be otherwise. Following World War II, psychiatrists began pushing a new drug, methadone, as a cure for heroin addiction, thus foisting a century-old con game on a growing number of victims – all while reaping huge appropriations of public funding for its implementation.


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