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L. Ron Hubbard



I have been in Scientology for over 25 years. In those years I have worked hard to make my dreams a reality. Very few dreams have escaped me and I am extremely thankful now for my successes both professionally and personally. The role Scientology has played in my life has been vital. Without it I simply cannot imagine where I would be right now. It has been the source of answers and resolution for every conceivable problem, upset, fear and obstacle life has thrown at me. I have found amazingly that the answers were simple yet totally effective, the resolutions easy and completely workable. Life is not easy. Sometimes life is cruel, even vicious. I’ve also felt hatred, anger, upset and pain lift off of me and go away forever with Scientology auditing. I’ve seen the worst possible dilemmas evaporate with the application of Scientology technology just like magic. But it’s not magic, it’s Scientology. Easy to understand and apply by anybody, anywhere, anytime. Scientology works.

Billy Sheehan
Rock Bassist


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